By: Eric Matthew Burch
Miss Elisabeth Caudill’s last day at Plymouth High School will be Friday, March 20th. She has been team teaching with Mrs. Gifford for eleven weeks. While she has been learning how to teach with students, she has also caught the hearts of many of the students.
Her colleague, Mrs. Gifford will also be having a transition. “I am going to miss co-teaching with her and having someone in the classroom to collaborate with at a moment’s notice. She is so professional, so organized, and so student oriented. She is one of the best student teachers I have had in my 37 1/2 years of teaching. My students were so fortunate to be able to have her in their lives.” Mrs. Gifford said that she feels her students were “so fortunate to be able to have her in their lives. It just won’t seem the same the rest of the trimester. Her compassion, love of teaching, and her strong commitment to teaching will benefit those who come into contact with her.” Best wishes to Miss Caudill for her graduation and to her future.