Winning Words Won Tyler Hix a Poem Contest

Receiving this honor felt great for senior Tyler Hix, but he admits that his poem was originally just a “Do Now” for theatre arts class. Photo by: Alaynee Mora

By Alaynee Mora

Senior Tyler Hix has worked hard for a long time to express himself through his writing and his hard work finally paid off when his work was published in the poetry anthology Stars in Our Hearts, which is published by the World Poetry Movement as part of their annual amateur poetry contest. Continue reading

A Year of Memories Has Been Created by the Teachers Who Had Babies Last Year

Harrison McNeil is Mrs. McNeil's son. He is the first born son. Mrs. McNeil says that, "Harrison is so loved by all of his family. He is the first grandchild on my side so he's super spoiled. He has the best grandparent's, aunts, and uncle's." Photo by: Patricia Ortiz

By Patricia Ortiz

Last year, around the same time, four PHS teachers became parents for the very first time.

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