Halloween Has Come, but it is Only the Beginning of Autumn

Pumpkins and gourds are not only for Halloween, but are a symbol of Autumn as a whole. Photo by: Brandon Heims

By Brandon Heims

October is almost over, but it is still the beginning of autumn. People have various emotions and thoughts about the season, but included with autumn are the beginning of holidays. In October, the first holiday is celebrated with ghosts and goblins. This holiday is Halloween. Continue reading

Help Desk Students Talk About Their Experience in the Class

Repairing a student's computer, Makayla Fox works hard to help the student. Photo by: Pauline Dagaas

By Elizabeth Jackson

“A normal day for me is just people coming in [and] complaining a lot about [their] computers and wishing they did not get them. Just being asked by teachers to help them or to help [their] class,” said sophomore student helper Tanner Virgil when he spoke of a normal day for him in Business Tech Lab. This lab is located in the media center every hour, excluding second, and helps students and staff with computer difficulties. Continue reading

PHS Girls’ Golf Season Comes to an End

Having made progress from their previous year, the PHS Varsity Girls' Golf Team is pleased with their season in which they placed 3rd at their Sectional and advanced to Regionals. "We have accomplished so much more this year!" states Junior Emily Denney. Photo Contributed by: Emily Denney

By Pauline Dagaas

Though the Plymouth High School girls’ golf team has enjoyed trading in their typical golf-filled Saturdays for sleep-filled ones since their season’s end, matches and being with their teammates are a few of the things they will miss most. Continue reading