The PHS Wrestling Team is Going Big or Going Home

By Katie Sommers

Starting his second match of the day during Sectionals, junior John Stillson is prepared to take down the opponent from Warsaw. Photo by: Katie Sommers

Starting his second match of the day during Sectionals, junior John Stillson is prepared to take down the opponent from Warsaw. Photo by: Katie Sommers

With only three periods of time to get the pin and the win, the wrestling team is pushing and fighting their way to the top, as it is the wrestling team’s first time that they have been NLC (Northern Lakes Confrence) champs in 30 years.

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People Have Different Sayings to Guide Their Lives

Living by her quote, Morgan Depoy is not letting anything stand in her way. Photo By: Maeson Coffin

Living by her quote, Morgan Depoy is not letting anything stand in her way. Photo By: Maeson Coffin

By Maeson Coffin

Mr. Nathan Mayer has a saying that he lives by: “Live and let live.” Mr. Mayer says the term means, “You do your thing and don’t worry about other people doing their things and that they should do the same with you.”Sophomore Morgan Depoy, believes,” The fear of striking out will keep you from striking out.” She is not letting anything get in her way.  Depoy’s saying means, “Like if you play baseball and you fear from striking out,then it’s going to keep you from playing the game.” There are opportunities in this world that people would like to see.

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