Giving Back to the Community

Key Club members that went to the museum are amazed and excited when looking at some of the props.   Photo Contributed

Key Club members that went to the museum are amazed and excited when looking at some of the props. Photo Contributed

By: Rebeca Lee
On Monday, January 21, in honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., members of the Plymouth High School Key Club went out into the community to volunteer at several locations in and around Plymouth.

In the act of volunteering, the Key Club members set out to the Boys & Girls Club, the Marshall County Museum, Pilgrim Manor, Miller’s Merry Manor, the Neighborhood Center, the Humane Society, the Fire Station, Riverside Intermediate School, and the elementary schools. Students worked from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the place of their choice to volunteer and help out for the day.

As an example of what the students accomplished, sophomore Joshua Kuhn helped out at the Marshall County Museum and helped clean and rearrange both the decorations and props. He along with Seniors Miriah Bowen and Jackson Garrison, Junior Shelby Haisley, Sophomores Max Holloway, and AJ Ortiz all had fun being there and having the chance to help out. Kuhn and Holloway said they had never been there and enjoyed seeing and learning about history. Freshman Anya Hettich helped at Menominee for the day working with children, and helping them with their science and math homework.

Putting a puzzle together with the residents Seniors Stephanie Moran, Pauline Dagas and Alejandra Renteria and Junior April Bowen all had fun working at Pilgrim Manor.  Photo Contributed

Putting a puzzle together with the residents Seniors Stephanie Moran, Pauline Dagaas and Alejandra Renteria and Junior April Bowen all had fun working at Pilgrim Manor. Photo Contributed

In following the steps of this historical figure, Key Club has done their part in honoring and teaching the American Dream. Students were allowed the chance to give back to their community and help various places in Marshall County. Hettich said that her perspective on volunteering changed a bit. She found that she enjoyed helping the children and was happy to know she was also working for the community.

Enjoying spending time with the kids Freshman Anya Hettich helps children with their homework.  Photo Contributed

Enjoying spending time with the children, Freshman Anya Hettich helps them with their homework. Photo Contributed









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