The PHS Wrestling Team is Going Big or Going Home

By Katie Sommers

Starting his second match of the day during Sectionals, junior John Stillson is prepared to take down the opponent from Warsaw. Photo by: Katie Sommers

Starting his second match of the day during Sectionals, junior John Stillson is prepared to take down the opponent from Warsaw. Photo by: Katie Sommers

With only three periods of time to get the pin and the win, the wrestling team is pushing and fighting their way to the top, as it is the wrestling team’s first time that they have been NLC (Northern Lakes Confrence) champs in 30 years.

This wrestling season is, “The best we’ve had in quite a few years. We have been working very diligently both on the mat and in the classroom. Best of all, everyone is having tons of fun,” freshman Jacob Stayton said. This is the first year since 1983 that the team has been Conference Champions. All the wrestlers have been working hard during practices and at meets to perform their best as the team competes in sectionals and regionals.

Being involved in a sport takes commitment and dedication, especially when a student has done it for years. With wrestling, sophomore Chaz Scruggs said, “I have been wrestling since 7th grade and I chose to because it seemed fun and I like to play contact sports.”

Going to morning and evening practices and being at Saturday tournaments with the same people everyday leads wrestlers to make memories that will last a lifetime. “My best memory from wrestling is from this year when we beat Elkhart Memorial. They hadn’t been beaten by anyone in our conference for 12 years, so it was a monumental win for us,” junior John Stillson said. From a coach’s point of view, “I remember the times we spend talking before practice and after practice [and] the first win for some of the kids and how excited everyone gets,” Head coach Bob Read said.

Looking for the right move, Assistant Varsity Coach Ryan Rust and Head Varsity Coach Bob Read watch in anticipation as one of the wrestlers fight to get the win. Photo by: Katie Sommers

Looking for the right move, Assistant Varsity Coach Ryan Rust and Head Varsity Coach Bob Read watch in anticipation as one of the wrestlers fight to get the win. Photo by: Katie Sommers

Being on the wrestling team sometimes causes wrestlers to diet or lose weight to be in a certain weight class. Senior Braxton Moore said that wrestlers have to maintain a certain weight for about three months. Cutting back on the sweets, chips, soda, and not having seconds for meals are just a few ways the wrestlers keep in shape and in stay their weight class. Freshman Triston Rodriguez said, “I just don’t eat as much as I used to. I have to slightly change my diet in a way. I just eat smaller portions.”

Sometimes when wrestlers are having a hard time out on the mat, during practices, or winning during a tournament they have different ways that inspire them to keep pushing forward and try their best. Coach Read said, “My faith in Jesus Christ is what enables me to work through the tough times in my life.” Sophomore Osman Solis said his competitiveness is what influences him to try his hardest. “I would rather have a good match than [an] easy one. The harder the match is, the harder I push myself to strive higher than the opponent,” he said.

After a long day after school, it can be hard sometimes to get one’s mind straight and be ready to get into the game. Each wrestler has his own unique way to prepare himself for the match under the lights. Junior Logan Wiegand said that he does, “a little bit of jogging and movement to get my airflow going.” Getting the body ready is not the only thing to prepare. Getting mentally prepared is also a way wrestlers get in the zone. Freshman Damien White said he warms up and gets himself pumped up for the match.

With the season wrapping up soon, the wrestlers have a lot of expectations in how the season will end after all the hard work they have put into it. Stillson said, “I think we have a strong team and I think that we can definitely win conference and do some damage in the state tournament.” Saturday, January 19, the wrestling team were Co-Champs in an NLC, which is a huge accomplishment for them. Moore said about sectionals, “I definitely expect us to win.”

Watching their teammate wrestle an intense match, junior John Stillson, Jacob Pearson, and Aaron Houin wait for their turn to get on the mat while awaiting the outcome of the match. Photo by: Katie Sommers

Watching their teammate wrestle an intense match, juniors  John Stillson, Jacob Pearson, and Aaron Houin wait for their turn to get on the mat while awaiting the outcome of the match. Photo by: Katie Sommers

Sectionals were Saturday, January 26th, and the rockies wrestling team came in first place out of ten teams competing at PHS. Manager sophomore Megan Rust said, “Sectional champions for the day were freshman Cody Allmon, juniors Kam Markovich and Drew Dodson, and senior DeAndre Pickford. Regionals will take place at Rochester, February 3rd. Seniors DeAndre Pickford and Stephen Abair, juniors Drew Dodson, Kam Markovich, Aaron Houin, Nolan Wright, Vicente Vasquez, and John Stillson, sophomore Ozzie Solis, and freshmen Cody Allmon are the ten varsity wrestlers that will be advancing to regionals.”

The wrestling team is pushing their way through the tournaments and showing no mercy. With many wrestlers advancing to Regionals and perhaps Semi-State, they might be able to leave their mark this year and make their season one to remember.


Tackling his opponent to the ground, senior DeAndre Pickford gets the win and adds it to his undefeated day at Sectionals.

Tackling his opponent to the ground, senior DeAndre Pickford gets the win and adds it to his undefeated day at Sectionals.





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