The PHS Variety Show

PHS students have been practicing for the Variety Show every night for about four weeks. Photo by: Emma Daniels

PHS students have been practicing for the Variety Show every night for about four weeks. Photo by: Emma Daniels

By Taylor Drake

Every other year the students and staff at Plymouth High School put on the Variety Show. The Variety Show is like a school talent show that exhibits individual and group talents such as dancing, singing, and instrumental performances.

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Listening to Music in Class: Privilege or Expectation?

Music can be listened to through your phone, computer, or any other electronic device.  Photo Contributed By: Taylor Drake

Music can be listened to through  phones, computers, or any other electronic devices.
Photo Contributed By: Taylor Drake

By Emma Daniels

One could claim that music helps him/her concentrate and focus better on his/her tasks in class. Teachers might not always have the same point of view. Students and teachers have debated over whether music is a privilege or an expectation.

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Meghan Caine – New School, New Opportunities

By: Eric Burch

As the new trimester begins, there are students who worry about if they will have any friends in their lunch period. For freshman Meghan Elizabeth Caine, she walked in on the first day of the third trimester and was not knowing what to expect. Moving from North Carolina, she had to restart the friend making process. This fifteen year old has just started at Plymouth High School and is hoping to make plenty of friends to keep throughout her four years. Continue reading