By: Eric Burch
As the new trimester begins, there are students who worry about if they will have any friends in their lunch period. For freshman Meghan Elizabeth Caine, she walked in on the first day of the third trimester and was not knowing what to expect. Moving from North Carolina, she had to restart the friend making process. This fifteen year old has just started at Plymouth High School and is hoping to make plenty of friends to keep throughout her four years.
Meghan moved to Plymouth with her mother, father, and brother Colin. Meghan moved to PHS because her father had a job that has her move around often. While she does like Plymouth so far, she felt more at home in North Carolina. She said that she had “so many friends and I lived there for two years.” She didn’t want to move, but she’s trying to make the transition work. At her school in North Carolina she did not have a personal laptop, and she took her first online test just a few days after she came to Plymouth.
Music is vital to Meghan’s studying habits. Her favorite music is classic rock, and her favorite band is “The Beatles.” Her favorite song is “American Pie” by Don McLean. She used to play the trumpet, but she quit because she never practiced. She had a very similar situation with the piano. She went to a Miley Cyrus concert when she was in 4th grade, but she has also seen the Jonas Brothers and Taylor Swift.

Adjusting to a new school, Meghan is getting used to a new environment in journalism class. Photo by: Eric Burch
Moving can be hard on any teenage students. Meghan has moved so many times, that one would think that she would be used to it by now. She says that this was one her hardest moves, just because she has so many great friends back in North Carolina. Out of all of the places she’s lived, it was also her favorite. She said that “it’s much warmer there.”
Meghan has joined the tennis team because she enjoys the sport. That’s not the only thing she likes. She also like to read. Her favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird, because it has so many lessons in it. Her favorite movie is Titanic. One quote that Meghan lies by is “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” by Eleanor Roosevelt. Meghan is just yet another example of how each staff writer can be so different.