Jeannie Spear, Walter Martinez, Brittany Gantz, and Jamie Jagnecki celebrate the success from the Tri Kappa Art Show.
By Marcie Blair
Art influences each and every one of us every day, even the sidewalk we step on has fragments of art hidden in its cracks. At Plymouth High School students and staff alike enjoy taking in the artistic way of life, and there was a Tri Kappa Art Show this May.
“The art show is a way for students to show off their best work with a chance of winning cash prizes,”said senior Faith Milton.
The show is open to all students, the only stipulation is that artwork has to be from the current school year. The categories are: black and white drawing, color drawing, print making and 3D are sure to supply plenty of eye candy to the individuals who will be viewing these pieces. Milton will be entering one of her drawings into the show.
Ms. Ashley Boardman, the show’s organizer, said she’s not the head chief in the art show. “This has been done for years and it is sponsored by Tri Kappa. We just collect artwork and hang it,” Ms. Boardman said.
Students are scurrying around now, preparing for the event. Milton said “art is always challenging, especially if you’re a perfectionist.”
While in a room full of art it is expected to see bizarre, glamorous, and somewhat odd pieces fill the room. “A life sized horse made out of cardboard [is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen at an art show],” Ms. Boardman said. From six foot tall horses on to smaller drawings there was plenty of variety during the Tri Kappa Art Show on May 6.
Directors such as Ms. Boardman were busy “[announcing] the event and [getting] students to enter their three pieces to [art teachers] to matte and get ready for display.”
This task may sound like a lot of work, but while that was taking place, art students were perfecting their pieces. When Milton was asked if she had many weaknesses in the category of art she was submitting she said “every artist has their weaknesses. Every piece of artwork has flaws. Those flaws and weaknesses vary depending on your perspective and what you look for in a piece of artwork”.
Whether a person is artistic or not, one thing is for certain, everybody can enjoy art, and that is a good thing because art is everywhere. Plymouth High School Students showed school spirit and their creative side to Tri Kappa judges.