Mr. Nathan Mayer fondly remembers the year 2000, when Facebook did not exist. Photo by: Gina Rodeghero
By Gina Rodeghero
The times are constantly changing, and so are the things people think are cool.
Freshman Ellen Smith and sophomore Carly Baker are excited to go on their mission trip to Panama this summer. Photo by: Maggie Morrow
By Maggie Morrow
This summer, along with Mrs. Delia Gadziola, freshman Ellen Smith and sophomore Carly Baker will be traveling to Panama for two weeks to do mission work and experience the different culture.
Holly Overmyer, Ashley Combs, Justina Hite, Lauren Tanner, Madison Good, Allison Berger, Kaley Brower, and Kenzie Haenes all have participated in the JDRF walks and car washes. Photo contributed by: Ashley Combs
By: Ashley Combs
“I just want to be normal like my friends,” was one of my first thoughts after I first got diagnosed with type 1 (juvenile) diabetes in 2007. Over time I have matured, though, and learned how to manage my diabetes. Dealing with diabetes can be a challenge, but with a cure right around the corner, the lives of many children and adults could change forever. For the past three years my friends, family, and I have held a car wash to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Raising money helps to find a cure for the more than three million Americans that have type 1 diabetes. Continue reading