Juvenile Diabetes Car Wash This Summmer

Holly Overmyer, Ashley Combs, Justina Hite, Lauren Tanner, Madison Good, Allison Berger, Kaley Brower, and Kenzie Haenes all have participated in the JDRF walks and car washes. Photo contributed by: Ashley Combs


By: Ashley Combs

“I just want to be normal like my friends,” was one of my first thoughts after I first got diagnosed with type 1 (juvenile) diabetes in 2007.  Over time I have matured, though, and learned how to manage my diabetes.  Dealing with diabetes can be a challenge, but with a cure right around the corner, the lives of many children and adults could change forever. For the past three years my friends, family, and I have held a car wash to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Raising money helps to find a cure for the more than three million Americans that have type 1 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks the pancreas’ cells that make insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is released by beta cells. It is crucial in the metabolism of carbohydrates and also in controlling blood glucose levels. In order to stay alive, those with type 1 diabetes must take countless shots of insulin. Scientists are not sure what causes juvenile diabetes, but they believe something in the environment along with genetics causes it. Scientists are close to finding a cure, and the money that is raised helps to keep them going.

With more than 15,000 children being diagnosed with diabetes each year, raising money and awareness is important. Sophomore Lauren Tanner explained, “I participate [in the car wash] because my best friend has diabetes, my dad sells insulin, and I want to do as much as I can to help find a cure for my best friend with diabetes and everyone else with it.” There are many events that the JDRF holds to raise money to find a cure for juvenile diabetes such as over 200 walks and five bike rides across the nation. The money  raised at the car wash, along with other donations received get donated to the JDRF when my friends, family, and I participate in the JDRF walk that is held in South Bend in September.

The day of the car wash is always fun, but it can also get stressful. Everyone that helps works together and rotates jobs throughout the day. With around 20 people helping with the car wash, a lot can get done, but it can be hard to control what everyone is doing. Sophomore Madison Good said that her favorite part about the car wash is holding “car wash” signs. She then explained, “I like trying my best to bring cars in!” Tanner said, “My favorite part about the car wash is washing the cars with my friends. We have a great time and raise a lot of money.”

To prepare for the wash a few friends and I hang up flyers and get donations from various businesses. People donate as much money as they want, and there is not a set amount of how much to donate. Each year over  $1,000 is raised, and the turnout every year gets better.

This year’s car wash is set for July 15 from 9 AM until 4 PM at Mobil 1 (which is next to Quick’s Lanes Bowling Ally and Overmyer Water). Tanner said, “The JDRF car wash is so fun! Come this summer!”

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