By: Meghan Caine

“It’s a festive night and it is a night to draw awareness to breast cancer as a disease. It is intended to be something to remind us of cancer and to have the girls come out here and have fun,” said head coach Benjamin Waymouth. Photo by Meghan Caine.

“I think it’s really great and as a community it’s great to raise awareness for breast cancer because a lot of people struggle and fight with breast cancer and it is something we want to try and help,” said senior Randy Dunn. Photo by Meghan Caine.

“Honestly I think it is a good cause and I’m glad we are doing it and we get to have all the teams cooperate not just ours,” said senior Katie Mcdonald.

The girls warming up before the match wearing all of the pink out gear donated by their parents. Photo by Meghan Caine

“I think the breast cancer night is one of the best nights and I am a big supporter of Ounce of Prevention and family friends with the two women who run it and it’s great being out here and supporting the cause,” said senior Kaitlyn Culp. Photo by Meghan Caine

“I think breast cancer night is a really good thing that we do for the Ounce of Prevention, and even though golf doesn’t bring in that much money it’s nice we are doing what we can,” said senior Morgan Oberley. Photo by Meghan Caine