Cool Then Vs. Cool Now

Mr. Nathan Mayer fondly remembers the year 2000, when Facebook did not exist. Photo by: Gina Rodeghero

By Gina Rodeghero

The times are constantly changing, and so are the things people think are cool.

From the year 2000 to the year 2011, their perception of what is cool has changed.  Media Clerk, Mr. Nathan Mayer said,  “It doesn’t have anything to do with cool but in 2000 there was no Facebook and it was nice.”  Opinions on what was cool in 2000 compared to 2011 differs from adults and teenagers.  Junior Cierra Carroll answered,  “Oh my goodness, I do not even remember 2000… I was like seven and I thought Power Puff Girls were awesome.  I wore bibs, and liked Backstreet Boys.”

Trends come and go from year to year, month to month, and whether it be movies, clothes, and even music groups/artists.  Carroll responded to her most memorable trend from 2000 being, “Definitely would have to be bibs/overalls they were kind of my thing.”  Some of the biggest trends followed include clothing, music, movies, and of course television shows.  “‘The Matrix’ came out that year and it seemed like every TV show or movie copied it’s slow-motion special effects,” Mayer said.

People have their ideas about what was cool in the past compared to what is cool now and usually their opinions change quite often.  “I would like to go back to life before Facebook and social networking.  I have Facebook, and use it but find it very annoying.  I am a hypocrite,” Mr. Mayer said. Some may even say that what used to be cool would still be cool but now is not in existence anymore. Carroll states, “Well Powerpuff Girls are long gone.  You only hear about the Backstreet Boys once in a while.  And bibs?  Some people still wear them, and suspenders are cool, I guess.”

Not only have peoples’ favorite TV shows, movies, music, and clothing changed, but where people choose to spend their time has changed as well. “Then, it was home or Grandma’s, but now it is probably home or friends’ homes,” Carroll said.

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