Diversity at Plymouth High School


Mrs. Ippel’s classroom is where students from different countries can learn English at Plymouth High School. Photo by Meghan Caine

By Meghan Caine

There are numerous different ethnicities at Plymouth High School. Even though there are different groups, all of them can come together. Noemy Almendarez, Herison Martinez, and Gustavo Castaneda moved here from another country and spoke about their experience.

Sophomore Noemy Almendarez has lived in Plymouth since she was four years old. She doesn’t quite remember life in Honduras but she was “still nervous on the first day of school because of talking and meeting new people.” After a while she became used to school and is “enjoying her time.” Her best experience at school so far has been when she took Journalism this year. “I had Journalism this year [and] I hadn’t taken the class until last trimester. It was the best because I learned many things, I met new people, and I also interviewed people and took pictures. Having Journalism helped me become a better writer.”

Junior Herison Martinez just moved to Plymouth at the beginning of the school year. He said the move was hard because he didn’t speak English very well, but he is becoming better through lessons. He felt really sad when he left Honduras because “I had lived there all my life.” He also misses his “family that lives back there.” His best experience at school so far is wrestling because he likes that sport. He said people are really nice and they even try to speak Spanish with him.

Sophomore Gustavo Castaneda’s reasons for moving to America are to have a better life and to live with his mother. He felt really sad about leaving his home because his brothers and sisters still live back in Guatemala. So far he likes the school year and that fact that “everyone has been really nice.” When he first moved to Plymouth, he had culture shock, especially with the food. He said the food is good but he “still likes food from Guatemala more.”

Throughout all the different cultures at PHS, students are welcoming new students and trying to help them out.


A student helping out Herison Martinez who moved here from Honduras last year. Photo by Meghan Caine

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