Accepting Others in Today’s Society

The students at PHS congregate together at lunch with other people who accept them.

The students at PHS congregate  at lunch with people who accept them. Photo By: Emma Daniels

By: Emma Daniels

Accepting other people is a major part of life. With today’s generation being based off of social media, the differences between people are hardly seen.

Throughout life, people have either been accepted or rejected. To not be accepted due to beliefs or features that are not changeable can be hurtful. When someone is not accepted, it gives the feeling of “hurt, distress, and sadness,” said freshman Mackenzie Winrotte. With today’s generation growing up in different circumstance than those in the past, they are more likely to make mistakes. Senior Spencer Southwell says that “the over stimulation of the media and internet has made people less unique and very quick to hurt and reject others. What makes each individual unique is gone just so we can fit in, this is the murder of our true selves and it’s getting worse.”

When accepting others, it requires both people to want to be accepted. “I think it’s very important to support people in your life. I do everything I can to accept my friends and family, even other students, no matter what,” said freshman Rem Miller. When someone is accepted, it can make past mistakes seem unimportant. Freshman Olivia Emmons states that “I haven’t made the brightest decisions in my life, but when I have had friends be there, it makes me feel better about myself. Almost as if everything’s going to be okay.” While freshman Yohoni Torres claims that “I just love to see the smile on peoples’ faces when they can talk about anything and not be judged, we all make mistakes, and we’re all human.”



When people feel accepted, they feel safe. Photo Contributed By: Eric Burch

Southwell claims that he would only reject someone “if they thought it was cool to hurt others and do evil things.” Today’s society is unlike those of the past. Today’s generation is focusing more on social media and who society wants them to be. Sophomore Logan Carroll said that accepting others and becoming who society wants people to be “leads to difference and without that there would be nothing to change, nothing new to find, there would always be the same thing over and over again.”


The world is changing and so are the people in it. People accept others by “overlooking all of their wrongdoing” said senior Laney Mora. Emmons says that she accepts others by “being kind to all of my classmates and people that surround me.” With people having different views on how to accept others, how does society accept everyone? Today’s generation overlooks the differences between people. Torres states that “we all believe in different things, but that shouldn’t matter because we are all different.”

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