Social Media Popularity at PHS

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A vast variety of words commonly used on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Photo made by: Sydney Holzwart

By Sydney Holzwart

Students at Plymouth High School come across bullying every day not realizing what the situation is. Students also receive compliments and do not even realize it. People take compliments to an extreme just as much as bullying affects other people.

Junior Logan Carroll believes that not using a filter on a picture is a positive thing. Carroll said, “Why hide what you truly look like?” Regardless to how someone looks, filters are very controversial. Filters and photo shopping pictures are vastly different.

People label others for using filters on their photos. Filters are colors to change the picture to make things look more clear, like black and white, cool, and warm filters. Which does not change how you look, filters are a process of editing that have the contrast to brighten, sharpen, make shadows, fade and have temperature to make photos have cooler or warmer tones.

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Senior Chase Holzwart takes a break during lunch to check social media. Photo By: Sydney Holzwart

Freshman Summer Smith said, “I don’t think my self esteem changes based on how many likes or re tweets I get.” What sticks out the most is that social media doesn’t affect their own personal preferences on how they live. It could just be who answered the questions, but it is good to see how many people are confident on what they post on the internet.

A majority of students do not want to show who they really are behind the screen, while others do not mind the attention. A selfie or a tweet should not be revolved around what other people want to hear and see. Showing people how confident one is in his or herself can inspire others.

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