Social Media Brings Change

Junior Molly Spencer spends much of her free time at home on her computer, browsing through a number of different social media websites.

Junior Molly Spencer spends much of her free time at home on her computer, browsing through a number of different social media websites. Photo by: Alicia Sanchez

By Alicia Sanchez

Social media is a collection of multiple websites on the internet that are used to communicate with other people across large distances. Such websites are very popular, especially with young people.

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Fictional Characters Helping Students at PHS

PHS Students use their lunch time to connect with more fictional characters. Photo By: Jay Brown

PHS Students use their lunch time to connect with more fictional characters. Photo By: Jay Brown

By: Jay Brown

Literature can be an important aspect in one’s life. Novels can benefit people in multiple ways, whether it be: someone finding him or herself, gaining more knowledge, learning an extensive vocabulary, finding a new perspective or reading to cope with hardships. Not only does literature benefit individuals, but fictional characters can aid people throughout their lives.

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