The Lives of Plymouth High School Students

Taco bell workers, Hayley Brown, and Tori Godwin-Belcher Photo Contributed by: Hayley Brown

Taco bell workers Hayley Brown, and Tori Godwin-Belcher Photo Contributed by: Hayley Brown

By: Yasmine Reyna

High school students may have trouble finding time between their social life, school, and work. Student jobs may have an affect on how much social time that each student gets.

Junior Tea Peltz works at the Symphony Restaurant. She said she got this job because it is something productive for her to do in her free time, and she needs money to buy herself a car. Senior Anna Piazza works at Walgreens. She said that she too needs money, but for recreation and gas. Both of these ladies said they wanted to save their money and put it in their bank accounts for college or anything that may come up in the near future. They both also are happy with their pay.

Senior Mariah Tepper who works at Taco Bell said she prepared herself for the interview for the opening at Taco Bell by asking her mother questions about how she should prepare for the interview. Senior Matt Feece works at Mancino’s, and to prepare himself for the interview he dressed well, smelled good, and stood up straight. Matt is scheduled to work 20 hours a week. Feece says this job does not make him feel more independent.

Shayla Beagle and Hayley Brown tend to like taking there usual work selfie when they have the same shift. Photo Contributed by: Hayley Brown

Juniors Shayla Beagle and Hayley Brown tend to like taking their usual work selfie when they have the same shift. Photo Contributed by: Hayley Brown

Senior John White says he has this job at Allstate Insurance because he wants to be able to have money for the things he wants, and the things he absolutely needs. John was asked how many hours is he given a week, and he said about 19-23 hours in a week. After he graduates he does plan on getting another job.

Sophomore Logan Carroll works at Pizza Hut, and he said he manages his time between school, and work by planning out what he needs to do for school, along with what days he needs to take out for the important things. Carroll also says he does not plan on getting another job anytime soon.

Junior Annie Enders used to work at Little Caesar’s and she said who influenced her to get that job, and she simply said “Myself, because I need the money for college.” During the time she worked at Little Caesar’s, she said  she had been completely satisfied with her job. In a one week, she was scheduled about 9 hours. Once she turns 18 she plans on getting herself another job because then she will have more choices to chose from. Annie said she wanted to work because “ if my friends wanted to go out for dinner, I could pay for myself and didn’t have to ask my parents or friends for money to do something.” Whether a student would want a job to be independent or just to have a job to make money to use on friends, students see a job as their very own, and not their parents.



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