Help Desk Students Talk About Their Experience in the Class

Repairing a student's computer, Makayla Fox works hard to help the student. Photo by: Pauline Dagaas

By Elizabeth Jackson

“A normal day for me is just people coming in [and] complaining a lot about [their] computers and wishing they did not get them. Just being asked by teachers to help them or to help [their] class,” said sophomore student helper Tanner Virgil when he spoke of a normal day for him in Business Tech Lab. This lab is located in the media center every hour, excluding second, and helps students and staff with computer difficulties.
Business Tech Lab is a class in which students go down to the library for a period of their day, and they help to resolve the problems in which students and staff members may face with their computers. These students had to undergo training on how to reimage computers, and go through multiple tests on how to fix computers. If they fixed their computers the proper way, they were allowed into the program.

For students, being able to have a personal laptop for the school year has many advantages. “Advantages: getting to know how to use the machines and programs better than your regular run-of-the-mill student would…,” said Mr. Mayer.  However, there are also many guidelines, “…don’t do anything illegal with the machines or else you pay the consequences. Use your knowledge for good!” he stated.

“The most common problems are computers freezing, not connecting to the internet, or people having naughty things on there,” said junior Emily Eveland. If students defy the allowed rule use, they lose access to their computers based on the severity of their actions. The school is trusting PHS students with MacBook Pros, and if that trust is broken, there are consequences. Students may have to get their computer reimaged, which is just like getting a brand new computer, because unless the documents are saved in a Drop Box or a Time Machine account, all of the documents are lost.

The Help Desk is filled with students:
Seniors- Pauline Dagaas, Darian Sarna, Kameron Eisenhour, Aaron Robbins.
Juniors- Ellen Smith, Victoria Shortt, Kyle Barry, Katlyn Carroll, Emily Eveland, Michael Garrity, Zach Craft, Diana Olivares.
Sophomores- Garrick Nate, Abby Patrick, Brennan McPherron, Makayla Fox, Nat Hiatt.
Freshman- Trevor Neidlinger.

The Student Help Desk offers help to all students.

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