Turkey Feathers Are Being Given to Appreciated Teachers

Mrs. McNeil is literally fanning herself with her winning feathers. "I'm so excited." said McNeil. "I can't wait to donate it." Mrs. McNeil will be giving half of the money to Riley's Children's Hospital. Photo by: Shelby Harrell

By Shelby Harrell

When the Pilgrims first came to Plymouth, Massachusetts, they had a very hard time. Food was scarce and difficult to find. The Native Americans taught them how to harvest and thus, the Thanksgiving Turkey was born.
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PHS Students and Staff Share their Christmas Plans

Preparing for the holiday season, Mr. Peden decorates his French tree for his classroom. Although he is not traveling this Christmas, he looks forward to celebrating at home with family. Photo By: Brandon Heims

By: Brandon Heims

The holidays are still ahead and PHS is preparing for their break from school. Students and staff will either stay home and relax or travel and celebrate with Christmas joy. Continue reading