In Mrs. Gifford’s classroom, she keeps inspirational signs and quotes up to keep her room comfortable and in a way warm. Photo by: Taylor Drake
By: Taylor Drake
Students at Plymouth High School are set to high goals by teachers and our principals, but they also might have goals for themselves that are just for fun. Buckets lists are one of the ways students can keep their goals.
A bucket list can range from having a big career to traveling the world. English teacher Amy Schmeltz says her bucket list is “to visit all 50 states, every continent, and every Major League Baseball Stadium.” Mrs. Schmeltz continued, “I started thinking about going to MLB stadiums as a little kid. I started making plans to visit all 50 states and every continent after I graduated from college.” Having a teacher with goals can be an inspiration for their students. Junior Sophia Smith said, “The number one thing on my bucket list is to be in a shark cage. I love sharks and have always wanted to see them up close, possibly even touch the fin of a Great White.” Smith also added, “The most extravagant thing on my list is to attend a Masquerade Ball.” When making a bucket list, each idea could be a different extreme. How they are accomplished could be difficult, but some people have found a way to do it. Smith said, “I have done some things on my list. I have gone para-sailing (in Key West, no less) and rode the Tower of Terror (it’s kind of lame but it was kind of a conquering a fear things).”
If someone is making a bucket list, that person may put a time limit on when he/she has to complete each task. That might mean

Quotes can be a way to inspire students to think about their future and things that they want to accomplish. Photo By: Taylor Drake
completing the event before a certain age or before a life event. Freshman Nathaniel Ruggles said he needs to complete his bucket list “at least before I’m in my 60’s.” Also having a time limit Smith said, “most of the things that are on my list are things I would like to accomplish before I have children.” Smith continued, “No others are directly involved with any part of my list but the more the merrier!” To accomplish things on a bucket list, you might need someone to help you. Freshman Jennifer Padilla said, “I told my cousins about my desire to travel and they agreed to go with me.” She also added that her inspiration to travel comes from her family. Padilla stated, “My family has never had the sources to travel and explore new places, so it has left me with a longing to travel and explore on my own someday.” Inspiration for new adventures can come from anywhere. Smith said, “My biggest inspiration for my list is probably the book Looking For Alaska by John Green. It made me realize that our days are numbered and I should live my life the way I want, not the way others dictate.”
Age does not dictate the dreams of students, buckets lists are made at any time and can be added to whenever. Sophomore Gillian Larew said, “I made [my bucket list] when I was like 11. I saw pictures of Ireland and was like, ‘Woah! I need to go there!’ Then I just kept coming up with things I want to do.” Also at a young age, Padilla said, “I made [my bucket list] in 7th grade and have not really added to it.” On a different side Ruggles said, “I made my list a few weeks ago and I’m still adding to it.” Bucket lists can be for more than just enjoyment, they can help with the tough times. “I was bored and upset with my life and needed to think that in the future it was going to better,” ended Padilla. While preparing for the inevitable, a bucket list can help one explore the world.