Friendships in High School

John and Emily have made new friends.

John and Emily have made new friends. As you grow it’s hard to make friends or keep old ones. photo by Janessa Salazar

By: Jaime Baca

Friends are people that help out through thick and thin, are supportive, or just make amends with people that one used to dislike.

People have different definitions of the word friendship, like junior Emily Miller who says a friend is “someone who is polar opposite of myself, I’ll connect with them so much better because I am interested in opinions.” Junior Kayla Hoober defines friendship as “someone who will be there for you through thick and thin”

In high school, people have new opportunities to make new friends like senior Jennifer Figueroa that said, “I have made so many friends, yet I have lost some as well, those new friends are much less complex to talk to and it’s nice to talk to new people and get to know them throughout the school years.” One could make new friends because they have moved. For example, Hoober said, “yes because I transferred this year from LaVille.”

As time goes on people’s friends may change. Freshman John Lara said his friends “have gotten more mature and less how they used to be I guess.” Figueroa said, “I have made so many friends, yet I have lost some as well, those new friends are much less complex to talk to and it’s nice to talk to new people and get to know them throughout the school years.”

There may be those who have people that they dislike, there are new opportunities in high school there is more opportunites for the people that disliked each other to become friends. Freshman Gladis Solorio said, “Yes I have made friends with people I used to dislike.” Figueroa said, “Actually I have, and I think that’s a good way to just stay drama-free.”

In high school there are times that it is important to balance your social life along with academics. Supportive friends can be nice to have no matter how long one has known them for.

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