Leticia Torres Strives to do Her Best

Leticia Torres was a participant in PHS school marching band zombie run. Photo Contributed by: Leticia Torres

Leticia Torres was a participant in PHS school marching band zombie run. Photo Contributed by: Leticia Torres

By: Taylor Drake

Plymouth High School has numerous students that show exemplary work not only in school but outside too. Junior Leticia Torres shows the qualities of a student who strives to do her best.

The PHS tennis team. Leticia is 5th from the left in the front row. Photo Contributed by: Leticia Torres

The PHS tennis team. Leticia is 5th from the left in the front row. Photo Contributed by: Leticia Torres

Torres does multiple things in and outside of school. She plays the trumpet in the school band. Torres said, “I chose to play the trumpet because I knew it fit my personality, most trumpet players are outgoing and fun, which mostly fits my life.” She said, “I joined band in fifth grade and decided to stick with it in high school because it is so fun.” Torres also said, “My favorite part about band is just being appreciated and needed. I also love spending time with my best friends, the people I really love which help me get through some torturous rehearsals. Band is one of the best things I have ever done.” Along with band, she also plays tennis. Torres said, “I have been playing tennis for two years, this will be my third season in high school.” Her reasoning behind playing tennis is “my friends asked me to join with them and now I’m the only one of us who stuck with it, but it’s really fun.”

Not only does she play tennis and is in band, Torres also has two jobs, “My first job is at Jaime’s Grocery, where I work as a cashier.” Another one of those jobs is at Christo’s. Torres said, “I am a server, meaning I give people their drink orders and take their plates when they are finished.” In addition to her jobs, she also participates in ten different school clubs. Torres said, “I am currently a member of Future Teachers of America, Key Club, Spell Bowl, Portuguese Club, Spanish Club, National Honor Society, Sunshine Society, Chem Club, Pep Club, and Multicultural Club.” Torres added, “I am currently the treasurer of Multicultural Club.” Torres said that her favorite club would be “a tie between Key Club and National Honor Society because I love doing community service.” Being involved in so many things can be stressful, but having a schedule is helpful. “I try to do my homework right after school, go to practice, then go to work after practice. After work, I finish my homework, shower, and eat. I usually go to bed by 1 A.M. so it’s not too bad. I try to prioritize and that usually helps me manage my stress, it definitely decreases my stress a lot.”

PHS leadership club. Leticia is in the middle of the second row. Photo contributed by: Leticia Torres

PHS leadership club. Leticia is in the middle of the second row. Photo contributed by: Leticia Torres

Torres is also involved in summer activities such as “work, play some tennis, attend band camp, try to watch some baseball games and hang out with my family.” She also added, “I do volunteer service, go on field trips, and organize activities for clubs.” To do all of this Torres found her own way to get inspiration. Inspiration can help do numerous things Torres said, “I inspired myself to do all these activities because I want to get accepted into Notre Dame.” She also said, “My role models are my parents because they have taught me everything and are super wise.” In the future, Torres said, “I plan on majoring in business and minoring in Spanish. I also want to look into some law or medicine, I am still trying to decide.”

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