Diversity at Plymouth High School


Mrs. Ippel’s classroom is where students from different countries can learn English at Plymouth High School. Photo by Meghan Caine

By Meghan Caine

There are numerous different ethnicities at Plymouth High School. Even though there are different groups, all of them can come together. Noemy Almendarez, Herison Martinez, and Gustavo Castaneda moved here from another country and spoke about their experience.

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Social Media Popularity at PHS

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A vast variety of words commonly used on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Photo made by: Sydney Holzwart

By Sydney Holzwart

Students at Plymouth High School come across bullying every day not realizing what the situation is. Students also receive compliments and do not even realize it. People take compliments to an extreme just as much as bullying affects other people.

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