PHS Prepares For The Arrival of MacBooks

By Tori Godwin

Seniors Devin Berger and Jordan Krpan collaborate on a MacBook from the portable lab in Mr. Earl Boyer's Pre-Calculus class. Photo by: Matthew Libersky

Technology is becoming more and more popular around schools in Indiana, and PHS has jumped onto that wagon. Starting next school year, each and every student that attends PHS will receive a MacBook. A MacBook is a laptop that every student will be given and be able to take home each day. Homework that students have will be done on the Mac Book, along with daily lessons, tests and quizzes, learning materials, and everything that will be needed for school purposes. This Mac Book will replace all textbooks and paper.   The big question that has been rising in the school is: will MacBooks be more efficient and easier for students and teachers in school?

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