Bird Feeding: A Classic Winter Hobby

By Ellen Smith

A male downy woodpecker perches on a birdfeeder. Photo by: Ellen Smith


House finches, a junco, and a female cardinal frequently visit birdfeeders. Photo by: Ellen Smith


A male red-bellied woodpecker looks up from feeding. Photo by: Ellen Smith


Juncos, titmice, and flickers.  Believe it or not, these are the names of some common Indiana birds.  In the heart of winter, it is normal to see songbirds flocking around neighborhood bird feeders, chattering in the trees or perching on telephone wires.  Winter is a time when many people open their wallets and their backyards to the birds.  However, not many know about the the hobby at all.  Bird feeding is a little-known hobby that is very fun and rewarding.

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The Cold and Flu Season Has PHS Taking Precautions

By Tori Godwin

PHS makes sure that students know precautions for the cold and flu season. Photo by: Tori Godwin

Stuffy nose, coughing, upset stomach and fever. These are all symptoms of a cold or the flu. There may not be a direct way to ensure the staff and the student body’s protection, but there are a few remedies that might be handy during this time of year. The cold and flu season has made its mark and this has a lot of students and staff worried about what is to come. Continue reading