By Pauline Dagaas
While maintaining a healthy diet proves to be a challenge for Americans today, many are beginning to further pursue that positive lifestyle. PHS students offer their teenage insight on the benefits as well the challenges on this growing change.
On a regular day, Senior Ashley Taylor prefers to stick to a healthy dinner. “I usually eat a balanced meal with vegetables, and fruit if I feel like it.” Yet despite her willingness to abide by this routine, “junk food” continuously tends to be an everyday obstacle. Freshman Mason Reed agrees stating, “It’s hard because you’re so used to foods you normally eat.”
Undoubtedly, making such a change proves to be difficult. For some teens, however, there may be no choice. “Being dependent on your parents for food is a challenge. You eat what you are given,” says Junior Jessica Cleveland. Though she and her family typically eat well, she sympathizes with the struggles various students may experience at home in terms of avoiding foods that may not be the most nutritionally beneficial. To help eliminate such instances, she suggests, “expressing your wants to your parents.”
The challenges along the way however prove to be insignificant compared to its following advantages. Eating more nutritiously can reduce high blood pressure as well as prevent numerous diseases including diabetes as well as several cancers. Sophomore Joe Nifong concurs stating, “You can better eliminate any possible disease.” Yet while these preventions hold importance, various studies have proven the benefits of eating healthy are not just physical. Teens who eat healthier meals are more likely to work effectively and think optimistically than those who choose less substantial options. In fact, what an individual consumes can directly impact their mindset. Taylor agrees stating, “[Eating well] makes me feel better about myself.” Health professionals encourage teens to begin educating themselves on health matters at an early age. By doing so, they will become fully aware of the earlier said advantages as well as be encouraged to work towards a healthy goal.
Various PHS students have already begun to understand the importance of incorporating such a step. As a result, they have offered other numerous tips to assist those seeking to transition into a healthier lifestyle. “Keep some fruits you like in your house,” says Freshman Will Sibal. As a wrestler, he too is trying to implement more nutritional foods into his meals. “Currently I’m in wrestling which influences me to get healthy,” he comments. For many, however, the main struggle may be to overcome those “junk food urges”. Yet Taylor does propose a solution to overcoming such instances. “Try to hold back on buying tempting junk food and try not to eat out of boredom, though the occasional tub of ice cream is okay when you’re upset,” she humorously adds.
Evidently while maintaining a healthier lifestyle proves to be a challenge, it stands as a necessary action many should consider taking.