Preparations for the Christmas Spectacular Show Has Begun

By Tori Godwin

Mrs. Glaub runs a quick review of the show with the choir, Counterpoint. Photo by: Tori Godwin

Every year, the PHS bands and the PHS choirs team up put on the annual Christmas Spectacular Show. Everyone involved strives to make a show that nobody will forget. This year’s upcoming show has brought in excitement and nervousness among band and choir students.

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Books and Movies to Enjoy for the Holidays

By Ellen Smith

Samantha Groves enjoying the book A Christmas Carol. Photo by: Matthew Libersky

Picture an ideal day on winter break. The day could be spent curling up reading a good book, or it could be spent watching exciting movies. Everyone loves relaxing and reading, or enjoying a movie during the holidays, but some movies and books stand out more than the rest. There is always one that we remember as a great holiday experience. Some have even become traditions. Here are some of those great books and movies to experience during the holidays.

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