Preparations for the Christmas Spectacular Show Has Begun

By Tori Godwin

Mrs. Glaub runs a quick review of the show with the choir, Counterpoint. Photo by: Tori Godwin

Every year, the PHS bands and the PHS choirs team up put on the annual Christmas Spectacular Show. Everyone involved strives to make a show that nobody will forget. This year’s upcoming show has brought in excitement and nervousness among band and choir students.

“The jazz band will be performing ‘Joy to the World’ and ‘Frosty the Bluesman’ so far. Some more songs may also appear,” stated sophomore Kent Gosky about what songs the Jazz Band will be performing. Sophomore Mariah Harty, a Symphonic Band student, said that she would be performing “‘Jingle Bells’, ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’, and ‘Santa’s at the Symphony’.” Senior Jessie Gibbs, a Crimson Connection student said that she will be singing “‘ Throw the Yule Log’, ‘Home on Christmas Day’, ‘Pat-a-Pan’, ‘Blue Christmas’, ‘All on a Starry Night’, ‘What Child is This’, ‘Rejoice’, and ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’.” As for Chorale, sophomore Hayley Long said ” I will be singing ‘Swing into Christmas’, ‘Rejoice’, ‘Have a Merry One’, and ‘A La Puerta Del Cielo’.” The bands and choirs have been working hard to make this show a reality by learning the music and preparing for the show. When asked how this concert is different from the others, Gosky said “It will be showing all music groups.” Gibbs stated “It’s a Christmas Spectacular and this is the only concert that we charge admission.” Long stated ” This concert is different because we perform with the band.” Freshman Deborah Anders explained ” We get to perform with the band and that makes it very exciting. It challenges us to sing louder to be heard, but that is a good thing.”

It is always great to have a favorite song or piece of music especially when it is time to perform the piece or song. When asked what their favorite song or piece of music is so far, Gosky stated “‘Joy to the World’.” Freshman Markee Farler explained ” My favorite song so far is ‘Swing into Christmas’ because we are dancing and I helped make up the dance, so I really like it.” Anders replied “‘A la Puerta del Cielo’ because it is so pretty.” Gibbs said “‘Pat-a-Pan’ because there is an awesome four part harmony.”

The audience is a very important part of any concert. They are the ones who see everything that happens. They are basically the critics of a show, so when music is selected, it is important to think of how the audience will view a certain selection of music or a song. Long thinks that the audience will enjoy “Swing into Christmas” because it is a medley. Harty said “‘Santa at the Symphony’ because it has different pieces of music all in one and the band will get to do fun things during the piece.” Gosky replied ” I think the audience will love ‘Frosty the Bluesman’ because Jack Garrison will be singing the lyrics to the song.” Gibbs said “‘Throw the Yule Log’ because there are pauses in different phrasing making it funny.” Farler stated “I think ‘Rejoice’ will appeal the most because all of the choirs and band [will be together] and it will sound amazing!”

The holiday concert is a great time for everyone, which leads to a favorite part of the concert. Gosky stated “[My favorite part of the Christmas concert is] playing for the crowd and having a great time.” Long said that her favorite part of the holiday concert is “sitting in the audience and watching the other classes.” Harty said that her favorite part of the Christmas concert is when she gets to dress up to perform. Gibbs’s favorite part of the concert is “hearing the bands and other choirs pieces.” Anders’ favorite part is “getting to sing with all the choirs and the band. It is going to sound awesome.”

Preparing for a concert is important to some people, while others don’t have a need to prepare. “We sing everyday, learn dances, and get our holiday spirit on!” Farler explained about how she prepares for the concert. Harty said that she prepares by “practice, practice, and practice!” Gosky prepares by “getting all the music ready for the performance.” Anders states “We are working very hard to get all the songs sounding good and the dance looking even better!”
Stage decorations. Performances. Christmas spirit. There is always something that makes the Christmas concert special. Gosky really likes playing for the crowd and having a good time, while Long likes ” Everything! I love everyone’s Christmas spirit.” Farler said “My favorite part is just preparing for it and having all the songs in my head.” Harty’s favorite part is when she gets to dress up. Anders stated ” I like the way the stage is going to be decorated. It sounds like it is going to be awesome.” No matter what it is, that one special thing can really brighten someone’s day.
The Christmas Spectacular show is a concert that the whole family can enjoy. It will be on Sunday, December 12 at three o’clock in the auditorium, so mark the calendar. It will feature all the bands and choirs, plus it will feature a few duets and some special surprises. The Pilgrim perspective wishes everyone who is performing in this concert the best of luck.

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