Books and Movies to Enjoy for the Holidays

By Ellen Smith

Samantha Groves enjoying the book A Christmas Carol. Photo by: Matthew Libersky

Picture an ideal day on winter break. The day could be spent curling up reading a good book, or it could be spent watching exciting movies. Everyone loves relaxing and reading, or enjoying a movie during the holidays, but some movies and books stand out more than the rest. There is always one that we remember as a great holiday experience. Some have even become traditions. Here are some of those great books and movies to experience during the holidays.

Books may not be everyone’s favorite thing, but there are many great Christmas stories to read out there. Senior Samantha Groves says, ” I love watching movies and reading books with a cup of hot cocoa.” There are many different genres of Christmas books, from romance novels to books full of inspirational Christmas stories. Holiday themed Chicken Soup books are great to read with family, or alone. Mr. Mayer, the librarian, says “I easily read 20 or so books. With two weeks off I have plenty of time.” This beneficial mindset could be a great thing to try over winter break. He adds “I’m a librarian. It’s a way of life.” People read books during the holidays for a reason. Groves says that her favorite book to read for the holidays is A Christmas Carol, because it gets her in a Christmas mood. Freshman Alli Rust says that her favorite book is Mole and Shrew All Year Through. Rust also enjoys reading this book to get into a festive, Christmas mood. Mr. Mayer’s favorite book for the holidays is The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Many people read books to evoke memories of past Christmases. Getting into the Christmas mood is part of that as well.

Movies are a staple item to have over winter break. Kicking back and watching a great movie is a pastime of many. There are hundreds of good Christmas movies that are great to watch. Mr. Mayer likes National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. He says “I like this movie because the characters remind me of my family.” Some classic ones are The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Junior Melanie Pedavoli says, “The program A Charlie Brown Christmas is one of my many favorites to watch.” Pedavoli says that it is a great show to enjoy, especially for Snoopy lovers. She definitely recommends it. Freshman Sarah Puglisi also enjoys movies. She says, “I love Miracle on 34th Street. I probably watch 20-30 movies over break!” One movie that is popular with many of the students of Plymouth High School is Elf. Elf is a modern Christmas movie that is full of humor, action, and great quotes according to freshman Shelby Pratt. She says, “I love how Buddy the Elf is so funny! My favorite quote from the movie would have to be when Buddy comes into his dad’s office and yells: I love you! I love you! I LOVE YOU!”. Some good movies for the holidays according to Mr. Mayer include Home Alone 1 and 2, The Santa Clause, and Jingle All the Way. Trying new Christmas movies is a great way to spend winter break.

Reading books and watching movies are great ways to unlock Christmas spirit. The beauty of books and movies is that there are many different genres. Therefore, almost everyone has a book or movie that is their favorite style. Books and movies are very fun for the Christmas holidays.

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