PHS Students Share their Christmas Traditions

By Alexandria Schaffer

Christmas time has always been a time for sharing and celebrating time with one another. As people share this special time together they tend to come up with the same activities that is repeated every year as part of celebrating the holiday season. Those activities that are repeated have been come to be known as family traditions.

When asked about what kind of holiday foods that is prepared for the Christmas season sophomore Jessica Rose-Tremaine explains, “My mom is always the one who cooks the holiday food, and she always makes what ever my grandma tells her to make.” While Britney Gantz said, ” My grandma always makes these noodles. I do not know what they are called by they are really good.”

Christmas candy is not only delicious to eat but it has become part of many peoples ways of celebrating Christmas. Both Gantz and Dana Hall state, “We always make peppermint bark.” Besides the sweet candy, there are just some traditional sweets that are good any time of the year. “We make cookies and decorate them for Christmas to put out for Santa,” Rose-Tremaine exclaimed.

Even though the food happens to be a major thing that people have entwined into their holiday traditions gift exchanges have also become another popular tradition. “My family always does a gift exchange with each other. We normally do it to for fun,” Rose-Tremaine explains. She however is not alone. Hall also explains her gift exchange process. “My whole family does a gift exchange every year. We put names in a bucket and we draw from it so that it is fair for everyone.”

Besides a gift exchange, there are many card games and activities that families participate in during the holidays. “We always watch movies and play some card games and just hang out, then we open our presents up late at night,” Hall said.

Even though the holiday spirit of spending time with one another can be sometimes overshadowed with the presents that are received, the traditions that families have can help influence one

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