PHS Prepares For The Arrival of MacBooks

By Tori Godwin

Seniors Devin Berger and Jordan Krpan collaborate on a MacBook from the portable lab in Mr. Earl Boyer's Pre-Calculus class. Photo by: Matthew Libersky

Technology is becoming more and more popular around schools in Indiana, and PHS has jumped onto that wagon. Starting next school year, each and every student that attends PHS will receive a MacBook. A MacBook is a laptop that every student will be given and be able to take home each day. Homework that students have will be done on the Mac Book, along with daily lessons, tests and quizzes, learning materials, and everything that will be needed for school purposes. This Mac Book will replace all textbooks and paper.   The big question that has been rising in the school is: will MacBooks be more efficient and easier for students and teachers in school?

As the weeks go on, the coming of Mac Books has anticipation and nervousness waving over the students, such as junior Tyler Hix. He believes that it will take some time for students to get used to using a MacBook. He continued to say “ When students get Mac Books next year over texbooks, students will lose focus on what needs to be accomplished. Once everyone follows the criteria, it will be a successful change.”  Sophomore Paige Harville thinks that getting a MacBook would be great. She said “ It will be the coolest thing ever because it’s less of a hassle and having to take home textbooks is too much.” On the other hand, sophomore Brandon Strong disagrees with getting a MacBook altogether. He stated “ I strongly disagree[with getting a MacBook]. I dislike MacBooks with a passion.” Freshman Jeannie Spear thinks that getting a MacBook will be easier for students. She explained “I feel that receiving these MacBooks will make getting our homework done a lot easier because most of our homework is on the computer and some students aren’t always able to access a computer.”
For some students, figuring out how to use a Mac Book for the first time may be difficult. That is why it would be a good idea to figure out the programs a Mac Book has and learn to navigate them beforehand, so there will not be any complications later on.  Hix said that he doesn’t fully familiar with the programs. “ I have a little experience with them. I’m more familiar with the control button over the command button.” Strong said that he has used a Mac Book before, but he did not like it.  Harville stated “ Well, I love the Webcam. It[also]has iTunes and Safari. It can do some pretty nifty things.”

 For some students, it will be easy for them to learn because they are used to being in front of a laptop or computer a lot, and it will be easier for their homework to be done, but other students feel that it would be harder because they have little or no experience with a laptop or computer. “I believe that it will be harder to use until people get used to it. It will distract more at first than it will help us focus.” Hix stated. Strong thinks that it will be harder because too many students will be on the internet at once  so it will cause the internet to be down all of the time. Spear explained ” I think that it may be harder, in a way, to learn with a Mac Book because things could go wrong  with the computers causing work to be lost or causing you to get behind on your work.”

Students may have their own opinions, but it would help to look at the positives of getting a MacBook. As more information about MacBooks are released, students will come to find out how MacBooks will make school a little easier, or a little harder.  Hix stated “ Instead of buying binders, pencils,  paper, etc., all you have to do is bring your laptop and you’re good to go.” Harville stated “I like working  with computers and the techy stuff, so it would be easy for me to cope.”  Spear said ” Using MacBooks will help make it easier to access a computer at any time when I need it. [It will also] make getting my homework done on time easier since most of my homework involves using a computer.”  

The students may see the positives that the MacBook will bring to them personally, but what about the school? Students should be aware of what the MacBooks will do to help the school.  Hix said “ Switching to MacBooks will help us go green. Instead of using paper, we will use worksheets generated on the computer.” Spear stated ” MacBooks will help the school save money by not having to spend so much on printing papers and to update or replace books.”  Now that PHS is pro-technology, students have to get used to the technological changes that the school is making, but some students might not like these changes.  Harville said that she likes the changes. She continued to say “ It’s better than having old textbooks.” Hix  said that he likes and dislikes the changes. “Yes because it is better for the environment. No because my senior year shouldn’t have new programming. We will have to spend time getting used to this change when we should focus on our diplomas instead of gadgets.” Strong dislikes the changes. “No, I prefer old school textbooks.” Spear thinks that the changes are good. ” I think it is a good thing with them making this decision because it is a good way to educate students on how to use updated technology.”
Whether  students agree or disagree with getting a MacBook, they cannot escape that they will be given one. Everyone will have to learn to cope with using a laptop everyday in school. Everyone should try to learn about the MacBook, so it will be easier to use and schooltime will not be wasted on trying to learn all of the functions.

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