PHS Acting Class and Stage Crew Pull Students into a World of Words

The stage crew and actors worked hard to make this year's play a success. Photo by: Pauline Dagaas

By Pauline Dagaas

Though this year’s show, World of Words presented numerous daunting tasks, students faced them readily, demonstrating their passion for the arts and resulting in a truly theatrical success for both audiences and those involved. Continue reading

Promenade to Prom

Donated dresses from surrounding areas. Picture by: Anyssa Alonso

By Anyssa Alonso

Prom is one of the most anticipated events for a girl in high school. With the hassle of finding a date, deciding where to go for dinner, what shoes to wear, what hairstyle looks the best, and most importantly finding the perfect dress, prom can also be one of the most stressful events to plan. However, Tri Kappa’s Promenade to Prom can provide desperately needed relief from these.

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Welcome to Facebook

Facebook's opening web page. Photo by: Anyssa Alonso

By Anyssa Alonso

Technology has had a tremendous reconstruction in just the last decade. There was a time when a cell phone could only used to place calls, Google was unheard of, and GPS was only used for military purposes. Society today is led by technology; and upcoming generations will never know a world without accessible information and simple communication. Communication that is no longer as personal as it once was. Responsibility for this new era falls on many social networking sites. Leading the pack is the ever popular Facebook.

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