Welcome to Facebook

Facebook's opening web page. Photo by: Anyssa Alonso

By Anyssa Alonso

Technology has had a tremendous reconstruction in just the last decade. There was a time when a cell phone could only used to place calls, Google was unheard of, and GPS was only used for military purposes. Society today is led by technology; and upcoming generations will never know a world without accessible information and simple communication. Communication that is no longer as personal as it once was. Responsibility for this new era falls on many social networking sites. Leading the pack is the ever popular Facebook.

Facebook allows individuals, as well as businesses, to have a personal profile with information accessible to whom they choose. This network allows businesses to get the word out on their products and services and individuals to connect and reconnect with friends.  “It’s so easy to find old people I’ve lost contact with and it’s great to the have opportunity to get to talk to them again,” shares sophomore Abbi Himes.  Young or old, Facebook does not discriminate. However, with the continual interest of new technology, teenagers are the majority of the millions of Facebook users.

In order to embark and enjoy all of what Facebook has to offer, one first needs to create a profile page.  The requirements to obtain a page are a first and last name, e-mail address, and birth date.  Facebook provides a step by step process to assist users in the making of a page.  Once a page is created, users have the option to up load a picture to be displayed that will help others recognize the owner of the page.  Personal interests can also be displayed, however one has the option to block information to viewers until a friend request is accepted between the user and the viewer.

For widespread exposure, it would be better for a business to leave viewing open to all; however regarding an individual, it would be safest to keep one’s profile page private and accept friend requests only from individuals they know and wish to know.  “I only accept friend requests from people I know personally,” explains Himes.  When looking to find a certain individual on the network, all one has to do is type the name in the search box and options will be available.  A request to be friends can now be sent and, once the request is accepted, profiles can now be viewed and chatting is emitted.

Chatting and messaging is not the only thing Facebook can be used for.  Facebook allows one to create photo albums, play games, create groups, advertise events, and more.  “I mostly play games [when I am on Facebook],” states freshman Leyva Medrano.  Social interests are sure to be amused.  Although, this site was created to entertain, one should take caution when indulging in fun.  If one does not have the proper security on their page, anybody could view their profile; even colleges and employers.

Many colleges and employers search potential students and workers names on Facebook in order to see what they are like outside of the professional light.  If one does not look as if they conduct themselves professionally, more than likely the school or business will lose interest.  For this reason, one should think of what they are posting on their page and be cautious of their actions.

While also taking caution on what is being posted, one should also be aware of how much they are posting.  One should be careful not to provide an excess amount of information for viewers.  In order to avoid certain situations, it would be best to keep the amount of personal information at a conservative minimum.  Facebook also encourages individuals to only accept friend requests from people they know.  With a hint of guard in mind, one can be apart of this Facebook age and enjoy its easy and fast communication opportunities as well as its many entertainment features.  “I spend a lot of time on Facebook.  It’s just so addicting!” exclaims Medrano.

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