The IHSAA Welcomes New Student President Meagan Barron

By Alexandria Schaffer

Megan Barron demonstrates her leadership skills by leading the girls basketball team in defense. Photo by: Alexandria Schaffer

Extremely talented and driven, Meagan Barron has added yet another accomplishment to her list of achievements by becoming president of the Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) student board.

“…Well, it is a long process,” Meagan Barron begins as she explains the long admissions process of getting elected to the IHSAA student board. “First, all athletes in Indiana are invited to a student leadership conference put on by the IHSAA Student Advisory Committee itself.  Mr. [Roy] Benge took some of my classmates and me to that before my junior year and I learned all about the committee. I then had to apply to be on the student advisory committee and then go through three interviews. I was selected to serve on the board for two years (my junior and senior year) along with eight other juniors across the state. The committee is made of nine juniors and nine seniors who serve for two years. As far as becoming president, I just went for it and did it because I felt like I could do a great job. I was pumped when I found out I was elected! Never would I have imagined that I would ever have the opportunity to do something like this in my high school career let alone become the president.”

Becoming a president of anything can come with many responsibilities that bring challenges on a daily basis. Not only has Meagan been able to balance both the SAC (Student Advisory Council) and the members of the IHSAA, she also keeps everyone on the SAC in-tune on what needs to be accomplished.  “Since there are 18 people on this committee working all across the state, it can get very hard to get things done. It is my job to communicate with everyone through e-mail, Facebook or text message and prepare them for upcoming events or deadlines. It is also my job to make sure meetings run smoothly. Board meetings last about three to four hours down at the IHSAA building in Indianapolis. We eat lunch and sit around and discuss what is going on in our school and schools around us and any areas that we may need to fix. I am also the middleman between our group and the members of the IHSAA itself.”

Anytime someone starts something new, they are always wanting to improve what has already been done. Meagan however does not only want to improve high school athletics, but she also wants to inform all high school athletes about the possibility of all high school sports becoming terminated.  “With budget cuts, it is very likely that high school sports could someday be eliminated. It is my job along with the rest of the SAC to get student athletes to recognize this potential problem and to stand up for themselves and their love of high school sports,” explains Barron.

Despite her future goals to accomplish, she has already achieved something that has never been done before in the state of Indiana, “Our group has made Indiana’s first captain’s handbook we have ever had, which is really neat and I can not wait for it to be released!”

Inspiration and determination can come from a lot of different places including oneself. Meagan not only gets her motivation to succeeded from her own determination but also from the people closest to her heart.  “It wasn’t really something I talked about to anyone, I just had it in the back of my mind, and it was something I wanted to do. Obviously, my parents have always taught me to be a leader and to fight for things I want, so I just went for it.”

There is an old saying by an anonymous author that states: “Live life to the fullest because you may not have it tomorrow.” Meagan Barron not only understands this quote but she is applying it to her life. She understands that high school sports will not be here forever, but she also knows how to appreciate them more and to not take them for granted. “The IHSAA has made me appreciate high school sports in a way I never did before. As student athletes we often take the ability to play for granted, but I definitely do not now. I have had the opportunity to meet kids and people from different cities, states, and countries just by serving on this board. I have also gotten to work the state tournaments for any sport I have wanted to and give the players their medals, work behind the scenes, and stand on the court or field. It has been an awesome experience! I know that the IHSAA really really promotes leadership and good sportsmanship, so every time I step on the court I have that in my mind.It has been an awesome experience!”

Meagan will continue to serve as the president of the IHSAA until she graduates her senior year. Until then, however, she will continue to lead and promote high school athletics.

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