By Patricia Ortiz-Corona
Those bland annoying days that everyone seems to detest are often referred to as boring days. Boring days come and go like the seasons of the year. Everyone handles boring days differently and finding fun things to do can be quite difficult at times. That is when the imagination starts to flow and boring days seem to melt away like snow.
Different people have a different definition of what exactly make up boring days. Sophomore Kelsey Schnieders’s definition of a boring day is, “nothing to do and no one to hang out with.” The majority of people would agree with Schnieders saying that in fact boring days are those when there is nothing to do. Luckily, boring days have a cure.
There are many activities that people can do to make boring days disappear. Junior Cierra Carroll explains activities she does in the summer, “Hang out with friends, eat and play Wii.” The activities people do in the summer on boring days differ from those activities done in the fall. On boring days in the fall Junior Jen Sibal explains what she does, “ I’ll rake leaves for my dad. Stay at home or go for a mini bike ride.” People can do a variety of activities in the fall and summer to get rid of boring days.
In the winter there is a bit of a predicament when it comes to figuring out activities to do because of the cold weather. On boring days in the winter people are limited to the activities that can be done. Sophomore Micheala Moreno explains her activities, “Snuggle with hot chocolate, watch movies and read a book.” There are some activities that people can do during any time of the year to get over boring days. These activities work for any gender and age. Junior Bret Slone explains some of these activities, “Listen to music and get on the computer.”
Everyone has the opportunity to do different things on different boring days during the changing seasons. Some people enjoy to do different activities, while others like to stick to one activity on boring days. There are many people who have a favorite activity to do during boring days. Senior Elizabeth Oviedo states what her favorite activity is, “My favorite activity would have to be coloring my gigantic coloring pages.” People do not always have a favorite activity to do on boring days, but people can have something that those people always do on boring days. Schnieders states that on boring days she “writes stories.” Creative activities are not the only favorite activities done on boring days. Sibal states what her favorite activity is, “Text my friends or sleep.” Sometimes when an activity is done to many times it gets to be a bit tedious. It’s recommended to spice things up every once in a while to avoid boring days becoming more annoying.
To avoid doing the same activity over and over here are some activities that can be done during boring days. In the winter it is always fun to go outside and have a snowball fight or build a snowman. During the fall months it is typical to go on a bike ride, watch a movie or hang out with friends. When summer comes boring day activities can be indoors or outdoors. Some fun inside activities to do in the summer are to go on the computer, read, play board games, talk or text a friend or write a story. People can do a variety of activities in the summer such as go for a swim, go for a walk, play sports or anything else people think of.
The list of recommendations for people to do on boring days can go on and on. Moreno recommends for people to “cook, because it is occupying and helps you think. When you are done you will have something delicious to eat on your boring day.” Cooking is not the only alternative for people to do on boring days. Carroll recommends “staying busy, it makes the days go by faster.”