Participating in Stage Crew Creates Memories

Schuler, Flynn and MacLain are proud of their newly built tiki hut. Photo by: Elizabeth Jackson

Seniors Levi Schuler and Daniel Flynn and Junior Ryan MacLain are proud of their newly built tiki hut. Photo by: Elizabeth Jackson

By Elizabeth Jackson

Stage crew is offered to all students who have taken beginning technical theatre and are accepted into the class.

Spending so much time together, stage crew members make many memories with every show they do. Senior Levi Schuler’s most memorable moment from crew is when they performed their last children’s show in remembrance of Hunter Brandt. Senior Daniel Flynn has many memories that he could say would be his favorite, but he especially remembers “drinking 20 oz. Red Bulls with Levi Schuler and proceeding to run for probably an hour and a half straight.”


The house is where the audience sits during the shows and enjoys the stage pieces stage crew has built. Photo by: Elizabeth Jackson

Stage crew may be benefitting students in more ways than they realize. “You learn things that normal classes don’t truly teach you, like teamwork and the true value of friendship,” said Flynn. Agreeing with Flynn, junior Ryan Mac Lain said crew has taught him “building skills along with to not be as lazy as I once was and not to be afraid to take what you are imagining into real life.”

Spending hours on each show, crew members are bound to have a favorite. Senior Riley Cartwright’s favorite show he has done is “The Bottom of the Lake” because of its spooky theme.  Although Cartwright enjoyed that show due to its spooky theme, Schuler and Mac Lain liked the variety show the most. “I would have to say the Variety Show last year was AWESOME! It was a fun experience building an awesome “futuristic” set and then having the experience of actually being on stage in front of a bunch of people,” said Mac Lain. Flynn’s perspective on his favorite show is a little bit different than that of his fellow crew members. “The funny thing about the shows we do, is that after they are wrapped up and done, you realize that it was better than the last. So each show for me has become increasingly better, but if I had to pick favorites, I would say the Beauty and the Beast,” said Flynn.

Stage crew creates many memories for members and that is no exception for this year’s class.

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