Ms. Dorland took a plunge when junior Hannah Jacobs paid $5 to push the button. Photo by: Janessa Salazar
By Rebeca Lee
After the Senior Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 17 all PHS students received the opportunity to participate in a dunk tank fundraiser sponsored by yearbook.

Students were not the only ones able to dunk faculty; other teachers not participating in the event were able to enjoy themselves while dunking their fellow staff members. Photo by: Janessa Salazar
The dunk tank was located outside door 3 and throughout the day during their lunch time or with a teacher’s permission, students were allowed to walk down. Students who brought money for the event were allowed to “terrorize their teachers” according to Mr. Masson (a faculty member who took part in the event). This “terrorizing” was actually an opportunity for students to buy a chance to dunk one of their favorite teachers. Costs were $1 per ball, 5 balls for $3, or $5 to push the button and all proceeds went to yearbook. Other faculty members that were available for dunking included Mr. Rust, Mr. Martin, Mr. Bales, Ms. Church, Mr. Wolfe, Ms. Dorland, Mr. Koops, Mr. Delp, Mrs. Schmeltz, Mr. Condon, Mr. Coffman, Mrs. Mercer, Ms. Wezeman, Mr. Patrick, and Mr. Olson.

Not only did students who participated in the yearbook fundraiser have a blast dunking their favorite teachers, but several other students were able watch those teachers take a splash. Photo by: Rebeca Lee