By Courtney Black
There are multiple qualities that can make a person who he or she is. Style, personality, and favoritism towards certain things are just a few examples of qualities.
Favoritism is a simple word that could propose a big effect on someone’s life. Colors, animals, sports, and movies are a few things people can favor. Sophomore Cheyenne Himes said her favorite color is “purple. Since I was little, I have been in love with that color for no reason at all.” A few people, like Himes, like a color for no apparent reason. But others, like freshman Nicole Pyatskowit, enjoy colors for a specific reason. Pyatskowit said that her favorite color is “purple, because it means loyalty.” A fan of green, freshman Joshua Olvera said his favorite color is, “green, it is just a calm color.” Red, blue, and yellow are the primary colors. Students at Plymouth High School were questioned about what colors they enjoyed most. Sophomore Stephanie Anderson can not keep her mind set on just one color. Anderson said that she likes, “anything bright because bright colors are awesome and happy.” After glancing through the responses, it was obvious the color orange was extremely adored. Out of the all the choices of colors a person has, it is almost unlikely that someone can pick just one.
As human beings people need food, water, and shelter to live. Since people eat food on a daily basis it might be helpful for them in they have a favorite food they enjoy to eat. Freshman Morganne Kviz said,“my favorite food would be bacon, because the world revolves around it.” Enjoying American food, Makaela Mahler loves cheeseburgers because they are simple but still taste good. Another quick to make food is chicken ramen noodles; which is loved by sophomore Kristina Bannow because it is delicious. Scrolling through the responses, it is noticeable that spaghetti is a hit. Freshman Pierce Larimore and Pyatskowit both agree that spaghetti is the best food because it is amazing. As Americans, people tend to like simple American food. Students at PHS like to broaden their choices in food. Cheyanne Schwertner picked her favorite food to be shrimp because “I was always in the water and was raised on seafood.” Indonesian, Chinese, Mexican, and American are just a few of the many choices people have for favorite types of food. Sophomore Stephanie Anderson said, “I absolutely love Chinese and Mexican food because it is very tasty.” When discussing their favorite food, multiple of students liked four course meals better than snacks. Junior Keegan Knepper enjoys cookies because there are a lot of calories in them. Another snack lover is sophomore Shylyn Ickes. Ickes said, “My favorite food would be Cheetos because I like to make figures out of them while I eat them.”
Students also have certain drinks that they favor the most. Senior Karl Pogue’s favorite drink is Pepsi because, “when I was a kid I wasn’t allowed to have it and then I found it’s delicious.” Pogue enjoys the drink because of the restrictions he had as a child, but sophomore Andrew Gerard simply enjoys the taste. Gerard loves the taste of lemonade because “it is like sour, heavenly, sunshine in a glass.”
Quotes sometimes have a big impact on people’s lives. Himes said her favorite quote is, “Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” That quote was mentioned to a daughter by her father in the movie Cinderella Story. But life is like a movie without the cameras. Junior Alli Rust is lucky enough to have her male role model provide her with a quote. Rust’s favorite quote is, “Life is about choices.” Rust said, “That is a saying my dad says a lot and he is completely right. Everything you do in life you get, you choose what choices you make whether it was the good choice or the bad choice.” Advice can also come from one’s religion. Mahler’s quote comes from her Christian religion. Her quote is “I do all things through him who strengthens me.” A quote is a great way to get inspiration in someone’s life when they are down in the dumps.