By Janessa Salazar
On Friday May 17th , 2013, not only did Plymouth High School host their dunk tank fundraiser, PHS also hosted their annual senior awards followed by the senior breakfast.

Having a great time with friends that have been together all throughout high school. Seniors really enjoy the last time they will all be together. Photo by: Janessa Salazar
As the day began on Friday it soon became a day where seniors were recognized for their part at PHS. With eighty-five plus awards given out to the seniors and more than 2.2 million dollars given out in scholarships PHS was proud to have more money donated this years than any other year. While seniors and the rest of the school were in the Varsity Gym, the juniors representing their clubs were working hard to get the senior breakfast set and ready to go. With Ponderosa serving everything from french toast sticks to scrambled eggs and sausage there was enough to have thirds.
The event began with serving breakfast, at the same time, the juniors started to hand out more awards for sports as well as chords for a variety of clubs and activities. After that the show began with Crimson as the entertainment. There were duets, guitar solos, and Ty Shively dancing for the senior’s entertainment. As the morning went on, so did the door prizes.

Selected juniors behind the scenes preparing the Senior Breakfast as senior awards still go on. Photo by: Janessa Salazar
Prizes ranged from gift cards to Java Trail to dental supplies provided by Dr. Pedavoli’s Practice. As the final entertainment of the day, the seniors were given the opportunity to watch the senior video that was created by the seniors in broadcasting.