By Chloe Boule
Nobody strives to be unhealthy or to live an unhappy life. Students discuss what that means to them and their goals for becoming healthy and also, what they do to stay that way.
Senior Jade Larimore said getting fit for swimsuit season will help her to feel more confident about herself. She wants to get healthy because, “I want to live a long life and look good in the process.” Her tips for getting healthy and staying there would be to, “keep motivated even when the going gets tough.” While most students say they go with fruits and vegetables when trying to stay healthy, Jade said, “I love to eat salad with grilled chicken.” Finding food that tastes good and is also good can be a hard thing to do.
Several students think being healthy is all about being fit. Senior Jessalyn Matthews said, “Having the body every girl craves to have.” Being skinny is something numerous girls view as their motivation. She also added, “The only thing that I am doing now to get healthy is eating less fast foods. I have cut down on those so much lately.” Senior Michaela Moreno agreed, “I’m trying to not drink pop and eat fast food.” Eating greasy food and drinking soda with lots of sugar is definitely something people in the United States have a problem with. Freshman Jake Dewar said, “You want to look good!” and, “For athletics, you gotta be fit or else the sport will be harder.” If someone is not in shape it can greatly limit a person to activities he/she may want to participate in.
Students interviewed agree that keeping a good attitude has much to do with staying healthy and having a good well-being. Larimore said, “If I had a negative attitude about everything then I wouldn’t succeed in things I want to.” Freshman Kiara Meadors agrees, It makes it “easier to accomplish things.” Although always having a good attitude can be a struggle at times, “You need to be confident and think you can lose the weight that you want to lose. It’s all in the mind whether or not you’re going to do it or not. Without a positive mindset, you won’t succeed,” said Dewar.
Different things motivate people to start eating right or lose weight and try to get fit. For Jessalyn Matthews she shared it was, “The way my grandma lived her last years is what really made me want to get healthy and into shape. My grandma was very overweight and did not eat healthy. She could barely do anything for herself, and barely moved. I never want to get like that.” Other students shared some of their own tips for getting healthy. Dewar said, “[The] biggest tip I could give to someone is to make no excuses.” and, “If you got time, then you need to workout, whether its a steady jog, or a heavy lift. Take No Days Off is my motto.” Moreno’s tip is to, “Take it one step at a time. The more gradual you are in the process of getting healthy, the more likely you will succeed.” Success is something that students can agree, is important in many aspects of life.