There are many different types of foods Plymouth High School students have access to, yet students have their own preference. Photo by: Rebeca Lee
By Rebeca Lee
Plymouth High School students’ eating habits vary from eating homemade food to eating out everyday. Factors such as preference and time consumption all take a part in their decision in their everyday meals.
The idea of sitting down and eating a meal cooked at home appeals to certain students at Plymouth High School. Freshman Austin Dixon said he prefers homemade because he does not like “processed junk.” He prefers to sit down and enjoy his dish with family as well as friends and is one that rarely eats out. Junior Yasmeen Figueroa agrees with Dixon and prefers to eat homemade food because she feels she has more control of what she is eating. Everyone has his/her own opinion on taste of food. Senior Brandon Heims said he prefers to eat at home because it is more practical for his family. Being a vegetarian makes it hard for him to find food that he as well as his family likes at restaurants so eating at home makes it easier on him and his family to agree on something to eat. Heims said, “[Eating at home] is something easy to agree on with my family, since everyone has different eating styles.”

While certain people prefer to make home made pizza, others may prefer to each at one of the local pizzerias. Photo by: Rebeca Lee
Not only do students decide on their food choice by preference but also by taste. Freshman Jake Dewar said, “My favorite food is the classic hamburger, and my least favorite is brussel sprouts.” Depending on the student, certain students like to mix up their regular routine and eat something out of the ordinary. Sophomore Nadia Baca is one student who spends most of her meal time eating a homemade meal but said, “Eating out once in awhile is a nice change from eating at home.” Baca also said she does not like spicy food, while sophomore Stephanie Boyle disagrees because she loves spicy food and her favorite restaurant is Hacienda.
With busy lives such as school, sports, clubs, activities, and even jobs, students struggle with finding the time to have their meals. Therefore certain PHS students prefer to eat at restaurants that are known for their fast service. Freshman Nicole Pyatskowit said she prefers fast food because she does have to “wait forever.” Other students, such as Boyle, that have more time on their hands would prefer a sit down restaurant. She said, “When you are there with your family, you just want to sit down, relax, and socialize with each other.”
Not only can other activities and home life affect a person’s eating habit but depending on someone’s eating habits it can also affect his/her life at home and other activities.