The Vast Populartiy of Instagram is the Talk of PHS

Checking out what students are posting, Junior Morgan Hite checks out Instagram while she waits for her friends post to come up.

Checking out what students are posting, Junior Morgan Hite checks out Instagram while she waits for her friend’s post to come up.  Photo by: Janessa Salazar

By Janessa Salazar

The idea of social media has been around and now there are so many social networks to choose from to chat with one another. What makes one networking site different from the other sites is that they are used for different purposes.

Having Instagram as another social networking site, allows students from PHS  another technological site to explore. Junior Cheyanne Schwertner explains that Instagram is a picture blog, saying, “You post pictures, hashtag and share everything. It’s like Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook put together.”  While Tepper disagrees with the statement, she explains that, “Instagram is just pictures, whereas other networks are pictures plus statuses.” Having a new social networking site there are a lot of things students could do on it, junior Morgan Hite said, “I mainly post pictures of myself, things off of Wanelo, or just everyday things.” With having pictures posted and comments also, sophomore Faith Hutchens said, “One of my friend[s] had it and she told me that I should get one because she had one, so I tried it and I liked it.” There are several ways of knowing about a new networking site, whether it is from commercials, internet or in this case friends.

Hite uses her phone for a more private way to check Instagram.  Photo by: Janessa Salazar

Hite uses her phone for a more private way to check Instagram. Photo by: Janessa Salazar

With a social networking site dedicated to photos, there could be a variety of photos posted with captions and comment. For others that are friends or even following the student as well they can see what students post. Sophomore Mariah Tepper said, “I post pictures of my dog, of me, of friends. It’s a wide range.” Friends and family are only part of the pictures posted though. Hutchens said, “I post all kinds of things, pictures of me and my friends, funny texts that go on between people and I.” Having posted pictures and funny texts, Hite also said that it is a way for students to express themselves as well.

Instagram is something that students have recently joined, and have posted picture of just about everything they do or see, where students from not only PHS but all over can follow one another. The newest and latest networking site Instagram has been seen all over Plymouth High School. This is where people from different parts of the world post pictures with captions of what is going on in their lives.

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