The sound of music can be a getaway for students and individuals all around the world. Photo by: Keaton Espich
By Keaton Espich
Music is in the ears of students of Plymouth High School. All around there are earbuds plugged in and students enjoying music.
Students all have different music preferences. Freshman Katelyn Berg said, “I listen to all kinds of music because I like them all.” Freshman Devon See gives his music preference. “I prefer electro music, because I just like the way it sounds compared to other types of music,” he stated. Sophomore Nadia Baca said, “I like to listen to a mix of music, ranging from pop to foreign music. I like these kinds of music because they are catchy.”
With each musical preference comes a variety of favorite musical songs. Sophomore Kennedy Jones said, “My favorite songs would probably be ‘Wake Me Up When September Ends,’ ‘This is How You Remind Me,’ ‘Remind Me,’ ‘Savin’ Me,’ and ‘The Trouble With Girls.’” In other cases one individual would not have a favorite song. Katelyn Berg said, “I have many different songs that are my favorite but I don’t really have one favorite song.”
When music is listened to, it gives the listeners their own individual perspective. Junior Victoria Shortt says, “I listen to music all of the time, and I listen to [it] this much because it helps me express myself.”
While music brings out those different views, it can also bring out influence as well. Freshman Krysta Cantero said, “Music has always had a big impact on my life. I’m always listening to it when I’m bored, happy, sad, or at any time at all.”
Students also have different reasons concerning why they plug in while doing something. Senior Jack Holloway said, “It’s better to listen to music and work than listen to the sound of a classroom and work.”
Music can have different impacts on students, and can be important to people, or unimportant. Freshman Austin Epley said, “It is important to me. Without music I’d be nothing.” Senior Karl Pogue has a similar perspective of what music means to him. “Music is my life. Without it I could never have gotten through really tough times,” said Pogue.
Even though every person has a different view or opinion of music, music has brought many together. With music, bonds can be formed and friendships can be made.