Serving students of PHS stand strong getting ready for their next journey, only instead of serving for their school they will be serving for their country. Photo by: Beca Lee
By Rebeca Lee
A couple of seniors at Plymouth High School have chosen an interesting path to their future. They have chosen a path that contains honor, justice, integrity, service and most of all freedom.
Zandra Norris, Adam Fish, Christina Chipman, Ryan Leslie and Ryan McNeil are just like other graduating seniors. They are looking forward to getting out of high school and taking the next step into their future. For these seniors at PHS, their future is basic training and the military life. All of them have decided to enter the military, each with their own plans, hopes and aspirations.
PHS held an senior award ceremony on May 18, 2012. Many seniors were awarded for their outstanding achievements; five were awarded for their commitment to the military. Ryan McNeil has made his decision and was awarded the Coast Guard Academy award. Christina Chipman was awarded the ROTC scholarship which pays for her tuition. The National Guard award was awarded to Adam Fish in his decision to join the Nation Guard. Both Ryan Leslie and Zandra Norris chose to serve their time in the United States Army and were recognized in the award ceremony.
Zandra Norris chose to go in the Army Active Duty. She says that people have always doubted her, and now she hopes to make it her career. According to Norris she has wanted to do this since she was in third grade. Norris says she cannot wait and is excited to go.
Christina Chipman is going to be in the Army ROTC at Michigan State University. Chipman who has made a commitment to the Army, including six years of service, believes she is going to make a career out of it. She has always wanted to join but was sure in junior high that it was the right career path for her. Being able to do this, Chipman is honored. She said, “Earning a ROTC scholarship is very prestigious, and I am very blessed to be given the opportunity to get a higher education while training for my career in the Army. I am scared though. It is out of my comfort zone, but I’m ready.”
Adam Fish chose to be in the National Guard 11 Bravo (infantry). Fish said, “I want a challenge and I love doing things for the community.” Fish’s great grandfather, uncle and dad served in the military, each in different branches. Since he was young, Fish has always had a fascination for the military. He believes that serving his country brings great honor, respect, loyalty, and passion, as well as many other things. Fish said, he is both excited and nervous. His family supports him in his decision but sometimes they are troubled when seeing a news cast involving some of the dangers he might be in. With all this, Fish plans on serving as long as he is needed “As long as I am well I will continue to serve.”
Ryan Leslie has chosen to serve for the United States Army. He has no immediate family in the military but was inspired his sophomore year when watching some of his friends leave for the military. When serving his country Leslie believes, “It’s quite an honor, almost like an added bonus to all the great things that are to come.” Leslie is staying for his five years of service but is unsure where he will be afterward, it depends on where he is at after his time. He is content and excited, he said “I’ve prepared myself.”
Chipman believes that it is a person’s duty to serve his/her country in some way. She said it is about protecting a person’s freedom and “It’s about joining something that is bigger than yourself. I want to serve my country.”