Students Talk About Getting Ahead with Summer School

Freshman Faith Hutchens, and Janessa Salazar are outside preparing for their summer school course geometry. Photo by: Courtney Edge

By Courtney Edge

Plymouth High School will not be shutting down and awaiting the return of students in August. Instead, it will open for students who are taking summer school.  Summer school is a great way for student to catch up on courses or to get to ahead.

Freshman Faith Hutchens is eager to start the summer school course Geometry. “I am taking this class because it’s one less class I will have to worry about,” said Hutchens. Getting ahead is her goal so she will be taking a full course and that means 8 full weeks. While Hutchens will be attending summer school, she will also be babysitting. Her plans will be small for her summer but she enjoys knowing she will be ahead in math. Hutchens plans on attending more courses in the summer if it makes her life easier.

Upcoming seniors  Jacob Shrack, Lauren Tanner, Dylan Aker, and Abigail Bradley are all taking similar classes.  They are taking Economics and Government and they are taking them for the same reason to take the pressure off for senior year. Sharack is also taking Geometry B and he says summer school is not a waste of his time. Tanner is doing summer school online which is two whole courses. But, Tanner likes the idea of getting ahead of people. Aker is doing Economics so he can graduate. Bradley is taking Government and Economics so she can catch up.

“I am taking the full course of geometry,” said freshman Janessa Salazar. She likes math and getting ahead and having a good education for the future is important to her. Not only will she be having fun with getting an education but she will have plenty of friends to make it even better. Salazar likes the idea of summer school and hopes to take it in the future.

Sophomore Jace Allen is a upcoming junior and he will be taking U.S. History.  He is taking it now so he does not have to take it in the future. He is taking the full course but unlike the others he is not too fond of the idea of getting ahead and he said he has no friends in summer school. Allen does plan on taking summer school in the future.

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