PHS Students Experience Slow Motion Days

Freshman Melissa Johnson said, "As the days start to go by I sometimes catch myself watching the clock." Photo by: Layne Holloway

By Layne Holloway

When that alarm goes off Monday morning, Plymouth High School students have different thoughts about the upcoming week. As the days progress, some seem to go slower than others and the reasons why can differ.

Sophomore William Wleklinski said that his week goes by slow. Wleklinski stated that not having SRT on Friday “does help.” What helps him get through the week is not having any homework. He also shared that the feeling is different every week “because it depends on what you’re doing that week.” If Wleklinski could change anything to make the week go by faster, he said that not having SRT or Homeroom would help. Wleklinski said, “Mondays go by slow because it’s the first day of the week.” He has his opinion about the opposite end of the spectrum too. “Fridays go by fast because it’s the last day of the week,” he stated. Wleklinski revealed the classes he looks forward to most are “Geometry [with] Mr. Beguin and Earth Space Science [with] Mrs. McClellan.”

Sophomore Lexi Fetters says that the absence of SRT on Friday helps but it would also help, “if classes were shorter.” Her slowest days are Mondays and what helps Fetters get through the week is when she has plans to look forward to over the weekend. Fetters looks to Culver Military Academy for guidance as she describes what she would want her schedule to be like. She says that she would want to, “have different classes on different days, like CMA.” She explains that they have one class every Monday, Wednesday, or Friday then another class Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday. She says Thursdays go by faster and she looks forward to Mrs. Chaney’s first hour class.

Freshman Jessica Celmer said that different parts of her day give her different feelings. “In the morning it seems like the day couldn’t go slower, but in the afternoon school speeds up and seems to go fast,” she explains. Not having SRT on Fridays does not help Celmer at all because, “I’m with my friends so it makes my afternoon classes seem faster.” What helps her get through the week is knowing that she can cross one more week off her calendar. She claims the middle of the school year seems to go slower because “you still have months to get everything done.” She said that towards the end of the year things seem to go faster because students are cramming all their work into a couple weeks. Her favorite class is her SRT with Mr. Ames. “I’m with my friends and we get to practice our color guard routines for marching band,” she said. Her Thursdays go the fastest because she cannot wait for it to be Friday, and her Fridays go the slowest because she cannot wait for that last bell to ring. If she could change her schedule, she would put her academic classes in the morning and her electives in the afternoon.

Freshman Lauren Page’s days go by fast. What helps Page get through her week is when she has a tennis match after school. “It really makes the day go by or just looking forward to a practice makes it go by fast,” she explains. Page always has something going on so her weeks go by fast. She said, “For me the weeks fly by. Mostly because I’m always busy after school with either swimming, tennis, or if I’m in one of the plays.” Her fastest day is Monday and for that her explanation is, “I’m not sure why, they just do.” Her favorite period of the day is Choir with Mrs. Glaub.

Senior Ian Horvath says that each year the days go faster. “Since I’m a Senior the days fly by,” he explains. Horvath says that skipping an entire period on Friday helps make his week go by faster. Horvath commented on the dwindling days of his senior year by saying, “Right now I’m just going with the flow. I have only a couple of weeks left of high school so I am going to enjoy them as much as I can.” He revealed that Tuesday is his slowest day and Friday is his fastest day. The class he looks forward to most is 5th and 6th hour Building Trades. Horvath said that he would not change his schedule if he could. He did however say that each week is going by faster and faster. “The next thing I know I am going to be walking to get my diploma,” he said.

Junior Maiyah Czarnecki said the speed of her days depends on the content of her days. She says no SRT on Fridays does help but nothing helps her through the week because “I have to work on the weekends so I don’t win either way.” Lately, her weeks have been dragging on. She said if she could change her schedule it would be, “Not having Physics.” She has some insight on Physics and said, “Physics is the most difficult subject for me and when we are taking notes the whole period I often get lost.” Her Psychology class seems to be her fastest class. “I want to be in there as long as I can and it just seems to go flying by,” she revealed. That being said it is obvious that Psychology is also her favorite class. Mr. Hatcher is her teacher and she said, “I love that class!!! I want to be a psychologist so I find that stuff really interesting.”

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