Art Takes a Trip to Notre Dame

Plymouth High School students look at pieces of art at the Snite Museum at the University of Notre Dame. Photo by: Rebeca Lee

By Rebeca Lee

Students who took at least one art class throughout the year had the option to go to Notre Dame April 27. They only had to pay a due of ten dollars and in the end they all had a great time being there.

On the trip to Notre Dame, the first stop was the Snite Art Museum. There the students of Plymouth High School saw numerous pieces of fine artwork which required sharp skills and loads of craftiness. Not only does the Snite Museum exhibit historical art but many pieces that students of Notre Dame have created. For example, Jackson S. Zorn, student at Notre Dame, created an intriguing masterpiece using graphite on paper. PHS Sophomore Danielle Erickson said, “I really loved the area in the museum that was industrial design. It had different inventions that some students had made. We were able to look at them and even try some out.” Senior Kiara Patrick said, “I liked the photography that was stained with red wine. I thought it was a really creative project. I also liked the Nirvana covers.”

Once students were signed up for the trip, they had to fill out a form and pick which classes they would like to attend. Some of their choices were drawing, web design, photography, printmaking, pottery, industrial design, sculpture and shoe making. Going through these classes, PHS students learned a lot. Sophomore Rachel Hartman said she learned a lot and  that everyone learned that “art” is a lot broader term than they thought it was. There are a lot of different types of art that students do not usually think about. The art trip was found to be both a fun and educational experience for students.

Sophomore Hayley Snyder said her favorite part of the day was her first class, photography, “We got to develop pictures in the dark room, and it was really interesting.” Many students learned a lot in their different classes. In design drawing, sophomore Nate Mahan was taught how to quickly draw sketches to get the job done efficiently in the business world. Mahan said “If I [were] a design drawer in the future, my efficiency is needed.” Then he was timed and had to complete a pen sketch in 20 seconds. Then he learned how to use sketchbook pro to put it in the computer using Wacom tablets. Mahan said, “The sketching fast would also help me possibly get a job in business, thinking of ideas for a company.”

Freshman Grace Hilty, Sophomores Kameron Markovich, Cheyanne Schwertner and Senior Adriana Olvera all say they had great time. Olvera said, “It was fantastic, you just feel like you can BREATHE. It’s very liberal and I liked where we were showed and explained artworks of attending students. It really shows what we have to compete with, [and] what our future will look like.” Students found many things they liked doing, and some hope to pursue these talents in their future. Logan Wiegand said Design Drawing was a new skill for him but caught his interest. Junior Adilene Peynado found she loves ceramics and hopes to major in it when she gets out of high school.

Sophomore Ellen Smith said, “I wanted to go on the Notre Dame trip because I thought it would be really fun. Art is one of my favorite subjects, so spending a day out of class learning about it sounded good to me.” Along with everyone else that agrees with her, they thought it would be fun and they were proven right. Everyone had a great time learning about art and learning how to create art while being at Notre Dame. According to freshman Cristina Chavez, her experience was definitely “exuberantly intriguing.”

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