The French Olympics were Magnifique

The gold medal is what all teams are striving to get at the first ever French Olympics. Photo by: Patricia Ortiz

By Patricia Ortiz

The whiff of cherry pie tarts and chocolate mousse overfill the nostrils.  The cheering of crowds can be heard from miles away.

May 6 was the day of the French Olympics, which was started by French instructor Mr. Monty Peden.  According to him, the French Olympics were developed because the end of the year was coming, and the classes wanted to do a fun project that would incorporate French, technology, creativity and the students learning as well as others being involved.

There were 20 teams competing in the Olympics.  Some Olympic coaches included Mr. Cox, Mr. Ames, Mr. Hassett, Mr. Masson and Ms. Wezeman.

A variety of events were scheduled to happen.  Freshman Grace Hilty competed in the 100 meter sprint and was excited to see how the Olympics turned out.  Having fun is something that freshman Bethany Bors was looking forward to.  She competed for team Greece and was in the archery event.  Having fun with everyone involved was what sophomore Sarah Iwinski wanted.

Cup stacking is one of the many events planned for the Olympics. Photo by: Patricia Ortiz

Junior Jake Harley was on team Israel, and if he could he would add, “flying…with attachable wings,” as an event because it is, “cooler than hang-gliding.”  Freshman Jocelyn Rico takes a more safe route and says she would add a water balloon fight as an event because it would be fun.  On a more aggressive route, junior Rolando Martinez would add rugby as an event because it would demonstrate who the best competitors are.

To show team pride, many teams have opted to wear team shirts or have locker signs.  Junior Armando Diaz states that his team had something to symbolize who they are.  A large flag was created by junior Aiden Osman.  He says that everyone was able to see the flag that unifies the Republic of Chad.

There were individuals behind the Olympics that helped the event run smoothly and to help set up.  Freshman Star Gonzalez is helping the effort by helping set up the volleyball court.  Others such as freshmen Elizabeth Portteus and Guadalupe Ortiz helped by greeting people as they came in to the Olympics.

Students will be able to take a picture with their own cameras or phones as The Phantom of the Opera, Pepe le Pew, or a victim of the guillotine. Photo by: Patricia Ortiz

In addition to all the events that were held at the French Olympics, there were opportunities to take pictures.  Freshman Hunter Stevens stated that her and Portteus had been working on a painting for the photo op. of a guillotine because it was a form of punishment in France.  There were displays of all the different countries that participated.  Ortiz worked on a display of fairy tales that were written by French writers.

A roar of cheers goes over the crowd as they celebrate the winner of the gold medal.  The large crowd makes it impossible to see which one of the 20 teams have won the coveted gold medals.

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