Baccalaureate Theme is Who Am I?

The Baccalaureate board uses their combined efforts to create a skit to help students discover who they are. Photo by: Gina Rodeghero


By Gina Rodeghero

Baccalaureate will be held May 20 at 4:30 PM.  When church was separated from state, the schools could no longer combine religion with graduation. Baccalaureate was founded so that the seniors still had the opportunity to participate in the inter-faith portion of graduation.  

Since 1992, at Plymouth High School baccalaureate has come to mean a community-wide religious celebrations organized by a group of volunteer seniors.  A different group of juniors and seniors come together year after year to form the board of Baccalaureate, and the board makes it all happen by choosing the theme, making posters, writing articles, selecting music, speakers, and staging.   The students on the board of Baccalaureate include Mandy  McPherron, Victoria Fox, Olivia Hilliard, Priscilla Hammonds, Grace Anders, Christine Banghart, Eliza Kelly, Maggie Buza, Tyler Switzer, Gina Rodeghero and Rachel O’Brien. The board selected the theme of “Who am I?” because they felt as though seniors needed to be able to discover themselves spiritually.

The speakers who will be speaking at this event will be Mr. Bob Beck, Pastor Pat Puglisi, and Mr. Ryan Rust.  Throughout the program students will be able to listen to the speakers, give their advice, watch a skit and listen to a live music performance.  Posters with Baccalaureate information are posted around Plymouth High School and the community.  All seniors and community members are welcome to attend.

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